Kamis, 20 Desember 2007

from your sistah

allow detrot chuby hhhehhe dulu chuby sekarang udah enggak ya ... ini gw bikinin blog hope u like it ... inget nulis yg rajin ya... kan bentar lagi mo punya mobile-qu ekekekke percuma ada internet cuman browsing ama nyari tugas doang ngeblog duuungggg jangan lupa janji 2008 harus diwisuda maret okehhhh use inet to pass your final exam okay ???? pokoknya tell the world about how you feel with writing and useful for everybody whos read



2 komentar:

detrie mengatakan...

testtttt echooo...echooooo...wkwkwkkw :P ( yg nulis vivi lohhh bukan detrot )

detrie mengatakan...

To vivi: thanks dah buatin gw blog luv u my sister


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